I'm finally have some free time. so... It's the perfect moment to start this new thing I built just for me since I'm unsure most will ever visit this page.


SO, I'll give an update and a bit of behind the scenes stuff on at least 3 things that I think are quite interesting. My small track used on NezumiVA's new retrospective, My new vocal track (Just Let Me Go), and my seemingly abandoned in public learning gamemaker project (this one will be quite short).


This one is quite an interesting case. While I have done music for some youtube videos by now from quite the cool people on the platform, this one has a bit of a funny story of how it got to that.

If You follow me you might know by now that I have done some music for the Homestuck fan comic, "Vast Error". And so I hang out on the team as a weird annomaly that pops out of nowhere to bring some music and return to the shadows. Welp that's how I meet Marcie as she's a contributor on the team.

I have been following her videos for a while now (Found her thanks to her amazing danganronpa retrospectives). But I was so dumb I didn't recognize her at first when She asked for help for someone that knew about ace attorney and undertale's music style. I just accepted it as another gig and moved on. It was thanks to her following me on twitter that I conected the dots and felt like an idiot.

After delivering my track we talked a bit about it and it was fun! we discussed about ace attorney and even talked about how an hypotetical crossover with deltarune could go (I don't remember how we got to that), it was really fun and she's really nice and cool.

This remix is in the style of "Finale" from the UNDERTALE ost. It uses 3 motifs wich I'd say are easy to notice. The main one being Maya's theme (Turnabout sisters), and the bridge towards the climax having Pearly's theme and the steel samurai theme to make it thematicly apropiate to the final case of the second game. I could take credit for this really smart use of motifs but Marcie was the one that had the idea and I just did the music itself, trying to be as close as "Finale" as possible. I think it makes a really nice track for the climax of the story. And seeing it on the video was SO satisfying. I'm more than happy after seeing fit so well! (Ngl, I was so absorved by the narration, that the song coming up was like a jumpscare with the big LEVC_EGM on screen lmao).

ANYWAYS, You should totally follow her and watch the amazing retrospective here! (and also watch all her videos and subscribe to her channel). I really hope we work together again in the future.


My song "Just Let Me Go" released and I think it did as well recivied as an original song (not related to a youtuber or game) by me can do. People seem to like it quite a lot!

(My best friend liking the song a lot :D)

But I bet most people are wondering, HOW THE HELL DID I GET TO SING THAT GOOD?... well, that's the trick. I DIDN'T SING AT ALL!

This is Synthezyser V. Using quite the complicated programming and samples it tries to imitate real singers to make a virtual voice to put in your music, So you don't have to learn to sing or more to do vocal tracks!

Most people are familiarized with this concept by know thanks to the phenomenon known as Hatsune Miku, a voice bank for the program Vocaloid, used by a large number of artist to creat songs of all types for this "virtual" Pop sensation. But Vocaloid doesn't have only Hatsune Miku, it has all sorts of voice banks representing different characters that everyone (who pays) can use.

I got the demo of the program and decided to toy with it a little after hearing a really good cover using the program (you can listen to it here) I had the idea to use a character concept I had for a while and make it a "virtual star" using that really good male voice I heard.

Me and my friends Jang and Eddie worked on the concept and got the charismatic monkey hipster you can see on the cover, Tuki calipso! An artist that lose everything before hitting it big time and now has a lustrous career.

(While I do think the song fits with the themes Calipso it's supposed to represent, Most of this first track was a bit of me just improvising along the way. I didn't really think or wrote any lyrics before composing, I just made the music and melody first, then added meaning with actual words to go along with it. In many ways I think this could be better and I'll try my best for next time to actually have a more interesting story to tell that fits better with the character than just random ramblings at 2 am...)

And as a bit of a surprise, we have a interview with the star himself!

... Oh? it's this section is getting way to long? welp I guess we'll leave it for another time.


As you might (probably not) remember, I was learning how to use gamemaker. The good news? I think I'm now more competent than ever at it! I could even say, I'm so competent that I'm now making a game on it!

I'm working on an RPG. Inspired by games like Mario and Luigi, Undertale, Mother 3, Chronotrigger and many more!

This is my first game so I'm sure it isn't perfect, but I'm more than proud of what I have accomplished so far. The characters are funny, the setting is intrigging and the gameplay is fun! So I'm more than optimistic about it.

My objective as it is right now is to complete a full functional demo that shows off what the game will be about and how it works. And at the moment of writing this I'd say this Is my progress so far.

  • Enemys 100%
  • Dialogue 90%
  • Maps 80%
  • npcs 0%
  • Music 100%
  • secrets 20%
  • puzzles 80%
  • cutscenes 50%
  • I'm pretty sure the total runtime (counting that you find most of the content) is arround 1 hour - 1 hour and a half. I was pointing to release it on july of this year, But it will probably take more time to test and refine some supperficial stuff until it's ready for everybody to play from start to finish.

    I'm really excited with this idea, And I'm hopefull people will like it. tho who knows, the internet is a scary place... So please, look foward for it! We'll meet again, hopefully, on the other side...