#0002: Thank you! (TFTOS Devlog)



It has been quite the week for me. My game has been streamed and played by some really amazing people who decided, for no reason, to give my small DEMO a chance.

This is my first game, and because of that, I didn't expect anyone besides some close friends to play it and give me some form of feedback. Yet, we reached over 350 downloads between Itch and Steam, and who knows many on my own page. over 480 wishlists on the Steam page, and the game received some amazing fanart and attention on Twitter that went beyond my expectations. I'm out of words because of all of this.

I've seen people like the gameplay. Seen people laugh at my silly jokes. Seen people vibe with my music. And a lot of them came to tell me their experience with my game, even if not perfect, was giving them the same wonder and joy as those games that inspired me to begin with.

Before releasing the demo, I was scared, afraid of what others could think. Despite having a team, most of the development was me working in secret. Not only because I believed it was something that would be better enjoyed as a complete product, but because, in many ways, I was unsure of my own abilities to create anything enjoyable for anyone besides me.

This was and is a silly game full of silly things and silly decisions that only make sense to me... Yet, here we are.

I'm glad the game was to your liking. We'll be on a brief break to promote the game. The current plan is to contact some content creators that would be interested in trying out a small indie game without any kind of financial compensation (A REALLY GOOD OFFER, I KNOW.) So that will be fun. If any of you want to help us right now, be free to share with me funny internet people that might be interesting in something like this! We'll try to get in contact (and get blocked for spam) with them.


I'll start working on ACT 2 as soon as today! starting with the design of the next big area and other things like a functional map. It helps that the script for ACT 2 and its soundtrack have been finished for a while now, so it's only about actually working on the game itself from now on.

There's a healthy amount of things to look forward to in this chapter: new gameplay additions, new enemies, new weird secrets, and more funny characters to come. So get ready!

Also, it has to be said that since we'll be working on the full game now, the demo will not be updated anymore (besides the Steam update that is taking a bit). I'm more than sure there's no game-breaking bug to be found, but I'll do a backup just in case anyone finds a really bad thing that needs to be fixed. Otherwise, the demo is fully finished now.

ANYWAYS, thanks for reading. I hope to see you soon! And remember, this is just the beginning of something really excellent!

- Levc -

(Hey have you tried my game? You should try my game. Play my game Here.